Sunday, March 22, 2009

We made it

We arrived last night about 5.30 and checked in. It was a long ride, both the plane ride, the wait at the airport for our last two team members, and thw twisty 100 mile ride in the bus. But miraculously everybody made, along with all their baggage.

After checking in we went to one of the local schools for a ¨reception¨ which turned out to be a full-on, red-carpet reception party, with music, dancing, pizza, and local food. The courtyard of a local school had been decorated with tables, candles, balloons and a huge sign that said ¨bienvenidos¨ (welcome). We were once again blown away by the warmth and hospitality of our hosts.

Today we head up to a local mountain village called Belen Gualcho for their Sunday market, which is quite a spectacle. Hopefully I can write more later, but breakfast beckons!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all made it safely! Know that we're praying for you, and can't wait to hear more about everything you do!
