Saturday, March 28, 2009

Adios, Amigos!

It's another beautiful day here in S.R. de C., and we are starting to gather for breakfast. Soon we'll pile all our stuff on top of the bus and take the 2 hour ride to Copan Ruinas, where we'll tour the ancient Mayan Ruins, ride the zip lines, and generally have a good time.

I don't think I wil have Internet access in Copan Ruinas, so this is my last post until Monday. I want to thank all of you who have followed our trip on this blog throughout this week, and special thanks to those who have left comments. Traffic to the site has been through the roof this week, which is very exciting to me. I hope you will continue to follow Emmaus Road even after we return.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Rob,
    When you and the group left last week, a part of me was jealous that I could not join you yet I knew in my heart that this was not the time - perhaps someday - and that God had other work for me to do right now; right here. I planned on taking time each day to follow your journey, pray for you all and affirm you with posted comments. I can assure you that I did find the time to pray - at daily Mass, while driving the car and when drifting off to sleep. Unfortunately I did not find the time to read your blog even once till now and so of course I didn't get to send you any comments. It is now Saturday, the teens are in Fellowship Hall for the 30 hour famine, building their cardboard city, and I just put away the Fresh Market goodies, did the outside bulletin boards, and set up for the blood drive sign ups. All seems so trite compared to what you are all doing but I know that it is what I am supposed to be doing so I do it for the love of God and neighbor. God called me to do a lot this week that seems pale in comparison to what you all have been doing but it is important never the less and I know that I was able to make a difference in people's lives this week. We all are called to make a difference, whether on a mission trip, in our own personal homes, in our local communities, in our churches and in our hearts and souls. Finding the time to read your weeklong blogs is my way of making a difference in my own heart and soul. It is nourishment I need. Thank you for providing it. God bless you, Rob, and all your companions on this trip. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us. Have a safe trip home and I will look forward to seeing you Monday night. Colleen
