Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Team

I have been blessed by the 20 other people who make up our team. From the moment we were first united in the airport in San Pedro, the group has seemed very much at ease with each other, and by the time we had made the 3.5 hour bus ride here to Santa Rosa we were on our way to becoming friends.

On the work site, they have attacked each task with enthusiasm, and have worked with great intensity. My biggest problem as leader has been to make sure they stop long enough get enough water. That and getting them to quit.

Our morning devotions have been outstanding and our evening sharing has been, well, boisterous...a lot of laughing, joking, and sincere sharing of love and enjoyment of each others´ company. Last night at dinner we really got on a roll to the point several of us were in stitches. It just got louder and louder...until we had to go or get thrown out. :-)

Things get a little tougher the next three days as our bodies get more stiff and sore from the work. But I know this group will continue to give their all with an outstanding attitude.


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you all are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home!

    PS - The Moose man is enjoying his stay and hasn't destroyed anything yet, but I know he'll be glad to see you again too!

  2. Bless you all and the work you are doing. We'll keep you in our prayers.

  3. Thank you both. We were at an orphanage today and I was drawing pictures of our family for the niños, including Max and Moose. They loved it...Tell Moose I miss him!

  4. As parents of one of your Habitat folks from Greensboro we are very grateful for your vision, leadership and this blog! Blessings to you and the team. You're doing a great work (not only for the folks of Honduras, but for us in the North as well.
    All the best!
