Friday, March 27, 2009

The Last Day in Santa Rosa

It's been quite a week. Everybody is tired, and yet there is still a quiet energy about this group as we prepare to head to the work site for the last time. We all still want to see what we can accomplish by the end of the day.

The homeowners and Habitat Honduras will be throwing us a party at 3 today as a sendoff, and I know these occasions are bittersweet. We get to spend quality time with our new friends, but it is a short time, and then we'll leave. I know I'll be back, but it could be a while.

Tonight I expect our sharing will have a different quality to it, quieter and more reflective. I have marveled all week at the various gifts of the Spirit embodied in these wonderful people on the team, how different they all are and yet how very much they each contribute in their own unique way. We are truly the Body of Christ, and I am filled with gratitude this morning to have shared this time with each of them.

And yet now we will start to think about and talk about "what next" we will use what we have learned when we get back. After this experience, you can never be the same person again. The time here is a gift, but one that must be used. That's the part of the journey we begin tonight.

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