Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day Two

I´ll keep this short as we´re running late today...

The team so far has maintained a high level of enthusiasm and energy for the work. They hit the ground running this morning, with two teams laying block, one crew sifting sand for the adobe block-making ¨factory¨, and others doign various odds and ends. I moved dirt all morning, throwing shovels full of dirt through a screen to clean out the rocks and trash, so that the clean material can be used to make adobe blocks. So many have been made since we got here that we ran out of room to store them while drying.

After lunch I went on a shopping trip with Carlos, our most excellent driver, and Molly, one of our team interpreters. We set out for the local ferreteria to some some cubetas (buckets), alicates (special pliers for working with rebar), cucharas (trowels), and a carreta (whellbarrow). After three stops we had everything but the cubetas, which was what we needed most. Life in Honduras. We´ll get them mañana.

We visited a small (and I mean small) family cigar-making business after work -- husband, wife and daughter -- who rolled cigars all day in a one-room ¨factory¨. We didn´t get back till 5:45 so our evening schedule is off a bit and I am running late. I´ll try to post again either later tonight (unlikely) or in the AM.



  1. Hi Beka's Aunt Pat from Ga. praying for you all and enjoying your daily up dates, God bless your mission.I am a pryer warrior with our intercessors group if you need sopecific prayers please let me know and we will run with them. kelleycountry@windstream.net Pat Kelley

  2. Thank you Pat! Please pray for our continued health, safety and productivity. A few of our members have had the stomach bug to various degrees but we are hanging in. Rebekah has beena great addition and blessing to our team...she is leading Friday mornings devotion and I am looking forward to it!
