Monday, February 23, 2009


I will be brief this morning because I have to leave momentarily for a retreat at St. Francis Springs on preparation for Lent. After watching the market dive another 250 points yesterday, it seems we could all use a dose of trust in the Lord, and I thought today's reading from Sirach was very timely:

...when you come to serve the LORD,
stand in justice and fear,
prepare yourself for trials.
Be sincere of heart and steadfast,
incline your ear and receive the word of understanding,
undisturbed in time of adversity.
Wait on God, with patience, cling to him, forsake him not;
thus will you be wise in all your ways.
Accept whatever befalls you,
when sorrowful, be steadfast,
and in crushing misfortune be patient;
For in fire gold and silver are tested,
and worthy people in the crucible of humiliation.
Trust God and God will help you;
trust in him, and he will direct your way;
keep his fear and grow old therein.

Amazing things always seem to happen when I spend time at The Springs, so hopefully I'll receive inspiration for tomorrow's post. I will at least try to "incline (my) ear and receive the word of understanding".

May God bless you all and keep you safe today!

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