Thursday, February 19, 2009

Countdown to Lent, Part 3

Last in the series of posts on ideas for spiritual practices for Lent. Please feel free to add your own in the comments...


  1. Double up on your regular contributions to your church or favorite charity.

  2. Deposit what you would have spent on #3 above into a collection jar, and donate it to your church or charity.

  3. If you already work as a volunteer for your church or another charity, see if you can increase the hours you donate by 50% or 100%.

  4. The next time you see a homeless person standing at an intersection, try opening your wallet and giving them whatever cash is in your wallet. All of it. I confidently predict that in doing this you will learn something about yourself you did not know.

  5. Donate non-perishable food or to the food pantry at church or the local food bank.

  6. Go on a mission trip. If you can’t actually take the trip during Lent, at least find one and commit to going.
That's all, folks, I hope you found this helpful or at least thought-provoking.

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